CAPAM workshop on fisheries stock assessment good practices

Image credit: CAPAM


The good practices workshop is the crescendo in a series organized by CAPAM as part of its Good Practices in Stock Assessment Modeling Program for improving fishery stock assessments. CAPAM’s goal is to improve quantitative methods used in fisheries stock assessment and facilitate the development of a Good Practices Guide (GPG). The main activities of CAPAM revolve around the workshop series and associated special issues in the journal Fisheries Research. The workshops have covered several topics including next generation stock assessment models, spatial stock assessment models; spatio-temporal modelling, recruitment, data weighting, growth, and selectivity. Most of the important topics have been covered in the workshop series laying down the foundations for the GPG. However, writing a GPG is an arduous and contentious job. Therefore, we are holding the 5 day workshop to initiate the construction of the GPG. The goal is to start the organizational process early to give time for each invited speaker to prepare a thorough draft paper on good practices for their specific topic. The papers will be available to participants at the workshop and can be updated after the workshop before submitting to the journal special issue.


Edgar Josymar Torrejón Magallanes
Edgar Josymar Torrejón Magallanes
Dr. Bioeconomía Pesquera y Acuícola

Mis intereses de investigación se enfocan en la dinámica de poblaciones y evaluación de recursos acupaticos, modelado de la distribución espacio-temporal de especies marinas, bioeconomía pesquera y el desarrollo de software en R.
