Fish population dynamics using R

Course focus on the basic concepts of fish population dynamics and the quantitative analyzes will be carried out using the R programming language. This course has a theoretical (25%) and a practical component (75%). The participants will learn the different phases of population modeling: conceptualization based on the characteristics of the biological system, data requirement, computational implementation, and the interpretation of the results.

This course is organized by Cousteau Consultant Group.


  • Provide the theory of population dynamics.

  • Present modern quantitative analysis tools.

  • Provide the participants with specific libraries in R used in fish population dynamics.

  • Confront models and data and characterize the uncertainty of the system.

Course program

  • Day 01:
    Introduction to population dynamics.
    Fishery dependent and independent-data.
    Introduction to R: data and graphics.

  • Day 02:
    Linear and non linear models.
    Growth models in fish (von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, Logistic, Schnute).

  • Day 03:
    Fecundity, Sexual maturity.

  • Day 04:
    Natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality (F).
    Baranov equation.

  • Day 05:
    Simulation of a population over time with different parameters